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Is Jamaica safe for travel?

Yes! Certain parts of Jamaica are less safe than others, as in all nations, but Runaway Bay and Montego Bay are upscale and very safe in Jamaica, catering to tourists every year. We suggest you avoid Kingston or “off the beaten trail” places where tourists are not frequenting. We pick you up at the airport and bring you straight to the Magic Mushroom Retreat location, so there isn’t any trouble you can get into on that route.

One thing we will caution you about though is buying marijuana or any other drugs from anyone offering to sell it to you who you don’t know. Even though various things are legal in Jamaica, you need certification if you are not under the umbrella of our retreat, so do not buy anything from people on the street or even right outside the airport offering it to you. Undercover police are always preying on unsuspecting tourists who don’t know any better, they take you to jail, and the fines are exorbitant. It is income for Jamaica. Don’t make this error.

Category: Magic Mushrooms

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